The Manhattan theme by HulkThemes comes with all the following customize-able options/categories: Categories.
- Colors
- Here you can change the colors of your website, in-order to create a custom palette that suites your style: Colors.
- Typography
- You can pick from 11 preset fonts for your site, or you can specify your own font from Google Fonts. Make sure the font is available on Google Fonts and leave empty if you use a predefined font above.
- Header
- 1: This is where you change the header logo: (Maximum logo dimensions are 450px wide by 200px high. The uploaded file will be resized to fit within those constraints).
- 2: Here is also where you would change your favicon (a smaller version of your logo that appears in the tab, 16px by 16px) You can generate a favicon for your logo Here.
- Footer
- The Footer has 3 categories:Copyright, Newsletter, Payment Method. Below each category is a enable box that must be "checked" in order to make the feature active. Customization is pretty self-explanatory, we've designed it in a way that is extremely easy to use: Footer Categories.
- Navigation
- This is a linked summary of all the pages on your site. You can add, edit or remove any of the navigational pages: Navigation.
- Social Media
- You can add links to the following social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Tumblr. (company or personal).
- Banner Image
- This is where you can change the banner images for the following pages: Collections, Blog, Page, Contact Page, Cart Page, Account Page (1920x340px) Banner Images.
- Homepage - Slideshow
- Your homepage includes a slideshow: Here you can add multiple slides to the show, change the titles and captions, insert call to action buttons such as SHOP NOW! or Read More.
- You can choose a slideshow animation between Fade or Slide, and also set the speed of the transitions.
- Make sure that the "Enable Slider" at the top, is selected: Otherwise your slider will be inactive.
- Closer look at some of the detail features of the Slideshow page: Homepage-Slideshow.
- Homepage - Featured Collection
- Here you can customize your collections: Title, URL, & Image (100x100px recommended). Editing Collections.
- At the top of the page you can also enable the "Latest Products" feature, that will show the 5 latest products with the "new" tag from the selected collection. Enable Latest Products.
- You can also add new collections by clicking on the arrow in "Latest Products" then selecting "Add Collection." Add Collection.
- Homepage - Featured Products
- Here you can enable your featured products but also create new ones based on the different collections that you've created. This feature allows you to push your customers to specific products that you wish to promote and sell. Customizing the "Featured Products."
- Homepage - Featured Blog
- This is where you can select a specific blog that you would like to feature. Add/Change The title and select a blog from the drop-down menu. Customizing Featured Blog.
- Homepage
- The homepage is where you can add/edit a promotional banner for a certain sale or event, with a 950x670px image, title, description and a call to action button. You can also disable this feature, if you wish.
- Customizing Homepage.
- You can also add a Instagram widget, and choose how many of your Instagram images you wish to showcase on your site.
- Banner Image
- Change the images for the banners of different sections (1920x400px recommended)
- Sidebar
- The sidebar is used to customize filters which allow users to narrow their searches, on the shop page.
- You can edit these following search sub-categories: Categories, Price, Color, Brands.
- Collection Page
- Edit the number of products shown per page, enable "Sort By, Preview Image Slideshow & Quick View."
- Product Page
- The product page displays a banner that can promote shipping or whatever you may choose. Also you can add the corresponding URL to the promotion destination (Banner size 360x230px recommended) example.
- It is also where you enable "Related Products & Recently Viewed Products."
- Blog Page
- Add the number of blogs that you wish to showcase, enable (search, categories, latest post, & post tags) Users can look for specific blogs that you've posted or simply narrow their searches through the available filters. Customizing the Blog Page.
- Contact Page
- Display a map of your business location, to help customers locate you. Add your address, and select the Google scroll wheel zoom option. If you do not wish to share your location, simply uncheck the "Enable Map."
- 404 Page
- This page is displayed when a user clicks on a page that is currently down, or no-longer exists. You can change the image that is displayed once these errors occur.
- Lookbook Page
- Edit/Change images of listed products, titles and URL's. You can also disable whichever product you wish to disable.
- Cart Page
- Enable ("Allow notes with orders" and "Ajax cart dropdown").
- Newsletter Popup
- Customize your newsletter popup: Edit the content and Image and don't forget to enable or disable the popup feature. Newsletter Popup.
- Social Sharing
- This is where you enable or disable users from being able to share your products or blogs on their social networks. It's a great tool for driving more traffic to your site.
- Checkout
- Customization of the the checkout page has two categories (Aesthetics & Function)
- Aesthetics: In your settings you can: Add banners, change logos, change color palettes, main content area, order summary visuals & typography: View Here
- Function: If you scroll to the bottom, of your "Checkout" section, you will see "Checkout Settings," click on "visit the admin" to customize different functions of the checkout process. View Here: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3