The Rio theme by HulkThemes comes with all the following customize-able options/categories: Categories.
NOTE: For instructions on uploading your new HulkTheme please click Here.
- Colors
- Here you can change the colors of your website, in-order to create a custom palette that suites your style: Colors.
- Typography
- You can pick from 11 preset fonts for your site, or you can specify your own font from Google Fonts. Make sure the font is available on Google Fonts and leave empty if you use a predefined font above.
- The Footer has 5 categories: Footer logo, newsletter section, footer menu, copyright section, and payment gateway. Below each category is a enable box that must be "checked" in order to make the feature active. Customization is pretty self-explanatory, we've designed it in a way that is extremely easy to use: Footer Categories.
- Favicon
- MailChimp
- Connect your MailChimp Form Action URL.
- Navigation
- Social Media
- You can add links to the following social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Tumblr. (company or personal).
- General Settings
- Enable or disable the features as shown in the screenshot.
- Blog Sidebar
- Enable Sidebar, Search Page, Latest Blog Posts, Post Tags, and RSS Field.
- Edit blog categories: titles, which categories they belong to, etc.
- Newsletter Popup
- Customize your newsletter popup: Edit the content and Image and don't forget to enable or disable the popup feature. Newsletter Popup.
- Social Sharing
- Enable users to share products and blogs on these social sites or disable the sharing feature completely as per your requirement.
- Checkout
- Customization of the the checkout page has two categories (Aesthetics & Function)
- Aesthetics: In your settings you can: Add banners, change logos, change color palettes, main content area, order summary visuals & typography:View Here and Here.
- Function: If you scroll to the bottom, of your "Checkout" section, you will see "Checkout Settings," click on "visit the admin" to customize different functions of the checkout process. View Here: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3